
The Nationals Game by: Owen Ondrish


“Get in the car, Owen,'' my dad told me. It was July 16th, 2021. Me and my family were on our way to Washington DC. My cousins came with us too, but they were in a separate car. The 2 hour trip felt like it was 30 minutes long which was nice. When we got to Washington we saw a lot of historical monuments like the Capital of Washington Dc. We stayed in a hotel with our cousins that was right next to Nationals park. When we got to our hotel, we went in the elevator and went to our rooms. When we got to our rooms, the number of the room was my date of birth. When we were settled in our room we went to the highest point of the hotel, we were gazing down at the Nations park. Me, my dad, and my uncle went down to the stadium early to watch bp which means batting practice. My dad told me, "Owen you will not get any baseballs from the players”, but I actually got three! I gave a kid one because I do not need all of them. ”Boom”, the baseball hit me at 50 mph miles per hour. I tried to catch it but it hit the warning track and bounced up and hit me in the face. As soon as I got hit the security swarmed me like bees and walked me up to the nurses room in the stadium. When we got to the nurses office they took me to the bathroom and turned the little sink on,”shhhhh”, the water felt good on my bloody face. When I was done I came out of the bathroom. Then they checked my face. When they were done, the nurses gave me a bag of Nationals stuff. My favorite thing was a Daniel Hudson bobblehead. Then we went to the game and it was a great time at Nationals Park